
- 在经典的外星人入侵故事中,体验一把当反派的感觉
- 使用各种念力能力和肛门探针枪之类的独特武器来毁灭人类
- 夺取可悲的人类的身体,渗透到他们脆弱的民主社会中
- 用飞碟来消灭他们落后的建筑
- 与最多4名人类或外星生物体一起,在线展开竞争、制造毁灭
- 使用分屏功能,进行本地双人游戏,制造双倍的破坏
- 在6张风格迥异的地图上,以4种不同的游戏模式挑战您的朋友和敌人
- 包含了2020年发布的“毁灭全人类”中的所有皮肤
As Players explore the game environment, they use various weapons (e.g., Disintegrator Ray, Ion Detonator, Zap-o-Matic) to kill human civilians and military forces.
Players also use psychokinetic abilities to fling objects around, and an anal probe to harvest human brains—splashes of green blood appear as brains are harvested. Combat is frenetic, accompanied by realistic gunfire, large explosions, and screams of pain. Civilians’ thoughts can sometimes be heard, with references to suggestive material (e.g., “I’ve got what every woman wants, a 12-inch slide ruler and a 166 IQ”; “My mind says Marilyn, but my nightstick says Betty Page.”). References to drugs may appear in the dialogue (e.g., “Oh God. I need another Valium. Or two. No, make that three”; “I don’t know what that fine weed growing out in the cabbage patch is, but it sure looks like it would go great in my pipe.”). Characters are sometimes seen stepping in piles of manure; cows are depicted defecating on the ground. The words “a*shole” and “p*ssies” are heard in dialogue.